#i guess i should probably spoiler tag this
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yougotcheddared · 10 months ago
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tiny melinoe is so cute!
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dodecatemoria · 10 months ago
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feeling very normal about them (<- lying)
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casino-lights · 2 months ago
so illario was in the final battle
and this was supposed to be a drabble, but I cannot be trusted to write Illario and Lidia succinctly. TW for a semi graphic description of wounds - I can't tell if it's not really that bad or if I just think the human body is neat so I'm marking that down anyway. no death or descriptions of the wounds being inflicted, though; this is fully set post-battle. the endgame spoilers are fairly mild though - just the location of the final fight.
if you saw my WIP Wednesday, this is what that snippet was from! I hope you enjoy it as much as these two enjoy arguing with each other. thank you for reading!
The dried blood matting half of Lidia’s bangs down against her split scalp didn’t bother her nearly as much as it bothered Teia. She fussed over her gently, blotting a damp rag against Lidia’s head and tutting like a disappointed mother.
“This is what happens,” she scolded between soft pats. “You always run ahead, and you always draw attention, and you always get yourself hurt.”
Absentmindedly, Lidia replied, “I usually work alone.”
“Yes, and this is why.”
“Mm.” The only sign she felt pain was a series of rapid blinks when Teia pressed against a particularly painful cut.
“If you would stop looking around, I’d be done faster.”
Lidia turned her head back toward Teia. “Is it still bleeding?”
“Not that I can see.”
She rose to her feet and brushed the dust of fallen Minrathous buildings off her thighs. “Then I’ll live.”
Teia gave up quickly. She was no one’s parent, no matter how much she cared. “Suit yourself. But Lidia?”
“You’ve done immensely well. Not just here - since Lucanis’ return as well. House Dellamorte is lucky to have you.”
She smiled thinly. “We’re all just Crows today, Teia.”
“Yes, we are.”
“Speaking of Lucanis…”
Teia nodded her head in the direction of the raucous cheering and the gathered crowd surrounding a few figures climbing down from the rooftop where the final confrontation had taken place. They both saw the flash of a purple jacket at the same time, and a wave of relief washed over them as they shared a look.
“Vi is back a ways, checking the fallen for ours so we can arrange the funerals,” Teia continued softly. “Since you’re upright, could you see to them as well?”
“Of course. Tell Lucanis not to worry about us and just take care of himself if you get a chance to talk to him.”
Teia nodded, and Lidia turned away. She hugged her cape around herself like a blanket as she snaked her way through what was left of the Minrathous streets, hopping over and ducking under various bits of debris that cluttered the city. She caught a few of her fellow Crows out of the corners of her eyes as she passed - most bloodied, bruised, and limping, but alive - and they all shared reassuring smiles with her once they noticed her. We lived, said their grins. We won, and we lived.
She saw Viago leaning against a mostly-intact building, heaving a deep sigh, and she called out to him. He lifted his eyes to her as she approached, but his lips were pulled down into a scowl.
Quietly, Lidia asked, “Is it that bad?”
“We lost just over twenty,” he answered, voice low and solemn. “Not as many as I expected, but… less than ideal. Most were fledgelings, but there’s a small handful of master assassins.”
She felt a selfish desire to ask anyone I know? but stifled it. “Do you need anything? A hand with the bodies? A cart?”
“A cart,” he agreed with a nod. “Though I don’t know if we could get one to the eluvian with the state of Minrathous. We might have to carry them through on stretchers.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again. “Which means we’d need able-bodied volunteers, a relatively clear path back to the mirror, enough stretchers to make for less back-and-forth, a cart waiting in the Crossroads…”
“Maybe we can ask Lucanis if he knows a clearer route?�� Lidia suggested softly.
He blinked, then sighed with relief. “You saw him?”
“Teia and I. He looks alright. Reasonably unharmed.”
He nodded again, more slowly this time. “It's nice to have some good news, at least.”
Lidia looked past Viago, into the building, and saw rows and rows of white linens draped over bodies. A cold, sick feeling gawed at her stomach as she counted them, and she wondered how many more would succumb to their injuries or simply hadn’t yet been found.
Another fear gripped her, too. She scanned the bodies again, making note of the taller ones. From the shoes she could see, none looked more distinctive than the regular steel-tipped Crow boots. Though some were burned beyond recognition. She felt guilty, searching for just one body among the two dozen lying before her, and guiltier still that she was looking for him at all. 
But she hadn’t seen him with the other Crows. He should have been with Teia, or Lucanis, or even here pestering Viago endlessly. She shouldn’t care. He didn’t deserve it. But she asked anyway.
“I don’t know.”
“I didn’t even ask yet.”
“No, but you have that look on your face.” Viago sighed and shook his head. “I don’t know where Illario is. Teia saw him last.”
Lidia frowned. “She didn’t mention anything to me, and I was just with her.”
He pulled a hand down his face before pausing to smooth down his beard. “I did not see him among the dead, if that’s what you’re asking, but I have no idea where else he would be right now.”
“Well, he isn’t with Teia, and he isn’t with Lucanis, where he was supposed to be.” 
She glanced over her shoulder just in time to see a pair of Crows carrying the mangled corpse of one of their fellows into the building. Viago sighed again and raked his fingers back through his hair. 
“Dammit. One of Teia’s fledgelings.”
Lidia looked back at him, horrified. “I thought you told them not to come!”
“We did,” he answered, voice pained and eyes closed. “But you of all people should know that doesn’t stop them from wanting to prove themselves.”
He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, steeling himself to write another name on his list. After a moment of silence and a nod at the two Crows as they left the building, he sighed again and said, “Go home, Lidia. We’ve been sending the ones who can walk back to the Diamond for now to care for the ones who can’t.”
“Teia told me to help you.”
“And you can help me by going home,” Viago snapped. “And tell them to put a cart in the Crossroads. And station some people with it in case we need them to carry stretchers through the streets.”
She frowned, but gave a single nod of understanding before turning away. They were all Crows today. And she knew better than to question an order from a Talon.
She was welcomed by the warmth of Trevisan air once the cool, watery feeling of the eluvian faded. For just a moment, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, drinking in the flurry of scents that always filled the Cantori Diamond. The smells of spices, wine, and smoke wafted up from the casino floor, but the familiar chatter and laughter was replaced by eerie quiet, broken up only by the occasional groan or cry of pain.
Lidia’s eyes darted toward a flash of purple and she called out, stopping Chance in his tracks. He leaned back, peering at her curiously from around the corner, but smiled warmly as she approached. 
“Lidia! You made it back.” He touched her shoulder gently before bowing with a flourish. “Welcome home, my lady.”
She returned the expression as best she could despite her headache and festering worry. “Thank you. The Fifth Talon would like a cart prepared in the Crossroads outside the Minrathous eluvian along with some strong, uninjured Crows who can carry bodies back on stretchers if need be.” 
“It will be done. Any other requests?”
She glanced around, but saw no one else nearby. “I heard some of our wounded came through. Where are they now?”
“Using the card tables as extra beds,” he answered before frowning as he smoothed his moustache. “We’ve already lost three, and one more seems to be on his way out. The healers who stayed are all busy, and everyone else went to Minrathous. It’s… going to get better soon. I’m certain. Your arrival can only herald better tidings.”
Again, Lidia bit her tongue to keep herself from asking if the dead were known to her. Instead, she simply nodded to signal her understanding and left. 
As she descended the many flights of stairs separating the rafters from the casino floor, her brow furrowed as her concern compounded on itself. Every step felt heavier as she ran over the names and faces of her favorite Crows in her mind. Lucanis, Teia, Viago, and Chance were safe. Jacobus stayed behind in Treviso after Lidia begged him to - their argument consisted of shouting and frustrated tears, but ended with several forehead kisses and a warm, loving hug once he finally agreed to stay. But the others? Heir, Dolores, Cazi, Valerian? 
She hated herself for worrying about him the most. He had not earned back that space in her head, and yet he’d stolen it again. He occupied her thoughts in various stages of injury, and images of him maimed or charred or exsanguinated flashed through her mind. With everything he put her through, everything he lied about, she knew she should be savoring the idea of him dead somewhere in Minrathous. But it haunted her, the thought of never seeing him again. It ached like a stone with sharp edges lodged in her chest.
I should’ve left Treviso entirely, she thought bitterly as she rounded the corner of the final stairwell.
The floor of the Diamond opened up before her, and she sighed at the state of it. About half of the card tables had wounded Crows perched on them - several with especially nasty-looking injuries - and a corner of the room was sectioned off with makeshift dividers. A few trails of blood - droplets, drag marks, or both - meandered off toward different tables. It would take days to get this place functional again. 
Overlapping voices from various healers and patients filled the room. Most were voices she recognized, and she felt a wave of relief as they registered one by one. And as one of them filtered in, her head turned immediately toward the sound.
“I know, quite heroic,” said Illario with a soft groan. “Maybe someday the heroism will outweigh the stupidity.”
Lidia spotted him on a table, shirtless and wrapped in bandages, with his hair swept over one shoulder and a healer tending to his right side. He moved sluggishly and only when told, but his posture was still straight and his voice was still clear. He looked… decent.
She chided herself again for being so worried. Of course Illario was fine. Of course he made it with only minor injuries. Why wouldn’t he? He always had demonic luck. Why worry about him, Illario the traitor, Illario the liar, Illario the cheater, heartbreaker, manipulator–
She looked back at him at the sound of his voice, realizing her fingernails were starting to dig into her palms. She grabbed a stray coin off an empty card table and turned it over a few times in her hand as she made her way toward Illario.
He smiled at her approach, winced as he turned too far, and gave a slightly smaller and surprisingly sheepish grin when she reached his side. “Stay right there,” he said, holding out his unbandaged arm. “That’s always been my good side.”
Lidia rolled her eyes. “You couldn’t possibly say hello, or ask me how I am, or ask after Lucanis, could you? Do you even care?”
“I–” He hissed sharply and cursed as the healer pried something off his skin with a sticky sound. He leaned forward at the same time Lidia did, blocking her view of whatever was removed from him, and flashed another forced half-smile. “Of course I care, but I trust your delightful bluntness. I’m certain you would have told me the second you saw me if he was dead. I’m also certain you would look like you’ve been crying.”
She scowled and crossed her arms, angrily spinning the coin between her thumb and forefinger. “You’re a bastard.”
“I’m not, strictly speaking, but I never did get to know my father as well as I would have liked, so I’ll give you–” He cut himself off with another wince as the healer removed another piece from him. Once more, Lidia leaned forward to look, and once more, Illario intercepted her, this time by reaching for her arm.
“Don’t touch me,” she snapped, pulling away from him.
He let his hand fall back to the table. “If there’s one thing I can say about you, it’s that you never gave me mixed signals. I always know exactly where I stand. I love this about you - have I mentioned that?”
“You have. A pity I can’t say the same about you.”
Before he could respond, his head surged backwards and he let out a pained cry as the healer unwound one of the bandages on his arm.
“Apologies,” the healer muttered, “but now that the debriding is done, I need to replace these compresses and apply the rest.”
“Sure,” Illario groaned through his teeth. “You’re the expert.”
Lidia took her opportunity and shifted her stance to see the extent of his injuries. She couldn’t stifle a small gasp, which seemed to hurt him more than anything else.
A splotchy pink burn blossomed across most of his right forearm and about half his bicep, and it continued across the corresponding side of his torso. For the briefest of seconds, he turned his head to look at her fully, eyes wide and pleading, as he inadvertently revealed the connecting burn across the right side of his jawline and down his neck. The moment passed, and he lowered his face and sighed quietly.
Raw, red, sticky-looking flesh was visible in a few places, and as the healer set a small bowl on the table to free his hands, Lidia finally saw its contents: a small pile of dead, mottled tissue. How long had Illario been here, having his skin peeled off piece by blistered piece? Most of the burns looked deep enough to go past the pain, but in some places they were angry and crimson, shining as if wet. 
The healer covered them one by one with bandages soaked in a healing solution as Illario tried to be still. “I told you that was my good side,” he muttered, his lips pressed into a thin line.
Lidia tucked the coin into her pocket and hoisted herself up onto the table beside him, legs kicking off the edge. “So… what happened?”
His eyes fell to the uninjured hand he had resting in his lap. “Magefire.” His voice sounded low, unenthusiastic - a far cry from the initial charm he laid on so thickly. “But this lovely gentleman here–” he motioned lightly toward the healer– “has assured me the wounds are not fatal. Just scarring. You’re crushed, I’m sure.”
Her headache throbbed dully, reminding her not to take his bait tonight. Instead, she said, “I’m just surprised you got hit at all. You’ve always been the luckiest bastard in Antiva.”
“Well, this time, I left Antiva.”
“Which you have done before, and you know what I meant anyway, idiot.”
He shrugged with his good arm, still refusing to meet her eyes. “Lucanis and I were cornered, and I stood in front of him. Foolish thing to do, I know. But I suppose I was trying to make up for something he would probably tell me not to worry about anyway. He was fine last time I saw him, if you’re concerned.”
“I’m not. Unless he tripped over something during his victory march, he’s alive and well…” She trailed off as she looked him over again. His right arm injured, mostly on the outside; his right side burnt while the left half of his body remained untouched; only the lower right corner of his jaw and cheek scorched… he shoved Lucanis behind him with his left arm and shielded his eyes with his right.
“Then I’m sure he’ll give me a stern talking-to for trying to protect him in the first place,” Illario said wearily, finally glancing up to her. “Who knows, maybe all I really achieved was making the First Talon look weak in front of the others.”
“Or making yourself look even more pathetic.”
“Which would just be impressive at this rate, no?” He breathed a soft, humorless laugh. “Illario Dellamorte, the Crow who lost all his dignity in record time. They’ll sing about my failures someday.”
As the healer left to attend to another patient, Lidia touched Illario’s leg, the weight of her hand pleasant and warm on his shin. “If nothing else, it was brave.”
He gave an indecisive tilt of his head. “It was also stupid.”
“More than one thing can be true.”
He gave a wan smile. “Lucanis probably would have been fine if he hadn’t been babysitting me in the first place.”
“Knowing him, he fought harder with you next to him.”
He studied her face, his eyes searching hers for a moment. “You’ve blood on you,” he said, nodding toward her hairline. “Your own?”
“I’m alright.”
“That’s not the answer to my question.”
She rolled her eyes. “It is mine, but I’m still alright.”
“Are you going to tell me what happened?”
When she did not continue, he deadpanned, “The picture you’ve painted so far is vivid.”
“Don’t vex me, Illario.”
“Am I not allowed to ask for details? To be concerned for you?”
She glared at him. “Now you’re concerned about me?”
“One concussion makes another more likely,” he reminded her in that insufferably knowing tone of his. “And I would hate for my hard work in facilitating your recovery from that first one to go to waste.”
“Yes, but whose fault was my first concussion?”
Indignantly, he flattened his hand against his chest. “I accept no responsibility for the actions of previous targets.”
“But said previous target would have been asleep if it wasn’t for you playing hero.”
“Must we always revisit that night?”
“You brought it up!” Her head ached as she raised her voice, and she massaged her tender scalp gently as she closed her eyes.
His teasing smirk faded to a soft frown, but he replaced it with a subtle smile before joking, “And here I had hoped you would be kinder to me now that you’ve seen the extent of my injuries.”
“Not a chance. My skin is still crawling from being this close to you,” she answered while making no attempt to move farther away.
He arched a brow smugly. “Well, I suppose, as you said, more than one thing can be true.”
“I am… glad… you made it,” she managed reluctantly. “I was looking for you among our dead.”
“Hoping to see me with my skull split, were you?”
Her hand slid up and his uninjured one met her halfway. They locked gently at his side. “You would deserve it, but… no. I was hoping I wouldn’t see your boots.”
“Oh? And I would have thought you’d only know me by my gloves.”
I would know any part of you, her mind brought forth. She blanketed the thought and tucked it away to be scolded later.
“I suppose I’ll be escorted back to the villa and left there to recover,” Illario mused aloud when she didn’t answer his quip. “I wonder if it’ll be too much to ask for Caterina to let me stay in my own room again. And I’m sure Viago will be just as thrilled as you are that I survived.”
“He’s busy. I’ll take you.”
He sighed fondly - if a touch sadly - and stroked her knuckles with the pad of his thumb. “Do you remember the last time you took my care upon yourself? I don’t suppose you’ll be making me pastina this time.”
Lucanis’ wake. She made a hot meal every day and shared it with Illario in silence as they sat in his bed and he stared into the fireplace. At the time, she had no way of knowing that his grief was doubled by guilt and only compounded by her kindness. She did not regret it, not even now, and that frustrated her more than anything else.
She hopped off the table and pulled lightly on his arm. “On your feet, Dellamorte. Come on.”
He swung his legs over the side of the table and winced. “Where are we going?”
“Home. I’m not letting you take up space in the Diamond when others may need it more.”
“I won’t argue with the promise of a more comfortable seat,” he responded with a grimace as he rose to his feet. Looking down at their hands, still entwined between them, he added, “Though we could stop for coffee on the way…”
“The owners of Café Pietra could be lying under rubble in Minrathous right now.”
“...So, no?”
She pulled him out the Diamond’s front door and they started the long walk back to Villa Dellamorte. Out of habit, Illario walked at her side so she was safely between him and the buildings. She pretended not to notice, but heat rose in her cheeks all the same.
At a side street, she directed him to turn, and when he gave her that quizzical where are you taking me look, she explained, “We have to stop at the market.” 
“For what?”
“Pastina, idiot,” she said pointedly, as if it should have been obvious.
He smiled and leaned against her, further entangling their arms. “I don’t deserve you, cara mia.”
She glared at him sideways. “No, you don’t. And don’t call me that. Lucanis would be cross with me if I let his brother starve, that’s all this is.”
Neither of them knew if that really was the extent of it. But for once, he neither questioned nor corrected her. 
She held his hand the whole way home, and they sat in silence as they shared a bowl of pastina on his bed. For a night, that could be enough.
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egophiliac · 10 months ago
I always though Mal's mom was meant to be like "Eleanor" but they stuck an M at the start honestly, Sobbing Emoji. But "Maleanor" also makes me feel less insane since in that scene where she's just handed egg Malleus to Lilia and went to battle, it sounds more like Lilia is saying "Maleanor" than "Meleanor" (Japanese accent pending). Mayhaps they went more with what it sounded like the characters were saying :0 (we don't talk about Doodle Suit to Paint The Roses)
the transliteration of her name is Marenoa (マレノア), which is what all the voice lines are saying! all the Draconias' names start with マレ (Malleus' grandma is Maleficia/マレフィシア) as a nod to Maleficent. :D it's almost certainly a take on Eleanor, which is Erenoa (エレノア), but her name is written in English at a couple points, and I was pretty surprised to see it was Mel instead of Mal!
and, like, that's fine, it wouldn't be first Twst romanization that's tripped me up (like Keito for Cater, I know that's something to do with the loanword specific to playing cards(?) but it's just not how my brain wants to read it). but now Eng has given us Maleanor! and someone else said it was spelled inconsistently between Maleanor and Maeleanor??????? so WHO KNOWS it's a SPELLING FREE-FOR-ALL
I AM torn on which I want to use, because Mel just sounds so cute to me (and is what I'm used to now), but...the Mal consistency is kinda too good to pass up. alas, alas, truly these are the most difficult conundrums of our times. 😔
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#i...am unsure if maleficia's name gets mentioned pre-part 6 so i'm gonna go overboard on the spoiler tags just in case#i-i just want to be careful okay#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 6 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 6 spoilers#well if nothing else i'm happy i can stop calling him revaan. that was getting too silly.#and seeing baur finally twigged the reference for me (somewhat embarrassingly late)#me: (looking at a crocodile man whose name is literally written bauru) HMM I JUST DON'T KNOW#(i assume they went with 'baur' instead of 'bauru' to make it more of a reference and less...literally the name of a municipality)#(and also a sandwich according to wikipedia?)#(no actually he should have been bauru that would've been incredible) (sandwich grandpa)#i might call artistic license and use something like 'the briarlands' instead of 'briarland' though if it ever comes up#(it looks like we're going to be leaving the pre-valley timeline soon so it probably won't) (but i just want it on record)#i actually do like it being more unique than just 'briar country/kingdom' but i think the plural adds more of that ~fantasy flair~#...also this is how i find out that trey's magic name is different in eng?#(wow i really do not pay attention huh)#'paint the roses' IS the actual translation of his magic (薔薇を塗ろう) so it's not...COMPLETELY different at least?#i...guess they went for the more immediately obvious reference...? weird
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chiscribbs · 10 months ago
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So here's something a little off the beaten path from my normal uploads -
Last week was my best friend @koilada's birthday and I held a private art stream for her, during which I sketched some of her (our) favorite ships! Because fwenship💕 Ships and the works that they're from listed below, in order of appearance:
Elena and Mateo (Elena of Avalor)
Koen and Ludwika (OCs from one of our collaborative works)
Cass and Varian (Tangled the Series)*
*The Cassarian sketch is specifically in reference to a post-series spin-off that she and I have been writing together for some time now, which I might post more about in the future, we'll see.
It's been so long since I've attempted to draw most of these characters... My favorite thing in this entire set ended up being that Mateo, because I have not drawn him very much and I was fully anticipating him to come out looking so much worse than he did, LOL. (Side note: please forgive the missing hands, these were not meant to be finished pieces, just some relatively "quick" sketches)
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the-insomniac-emporium · 10 months ago
tied together. pulled each way. tighter, tighter. the chain goes on, mother, daughter, daughter, mother, again, again.
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Puppet Pose Ref: AdorkaStock on DeviantArt, Angie Pose Ref: This Photo (original source unknown) Comments + reblogs are greatly appreciated, I read every response! Check under the read-more for notes on symbolism/details, plus the flat color version. Beware of spoilers for Angie's route!!
Notes on details:
From top to bottom, the flowers are: Dandelion (overcoming hardship), Prince's Feather Amaranth (immortality/unfading), Blackthorn (fate/protection/hope against adversity), and Lotus (rebirth)
Miranda's hand at the top wields the marionette rod (or whatever they're called), the strings connecting both to Angie + Donna's hands. Donna, in turn, has strings connected to puppet Angie, representing how Donna is responsible for keeping the puppet body going/active. She also has some control over Angie, trying to keep her safe without revealing what really happened after the car accident.
Half of Angie's face is her normal color, the other half (divided by something originally meant to mimic kintsugi) is her doll colors (seen during her cult ending).
Big circles on the sides, with the beams? Headlights. because car crash. because Idk felt like being a little evil I guess.
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mothsintherain · 22 days ago
listening to malevolent with my friend (its her first time) is the funniest shit
she sent me this in the middle of part 40:
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and then an updated version when noel got shot:
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needless to say she was not too happy about it. i still have all my limbs (for now) which i am quite grateful for
anyways watch out fanartists powerful competition is coming your way
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calamitydaze · 4 months ago
the bt narrative emerging that 8x06 was somehow a loss for “all of us” and a sign that tptb will never greenlight any (more) gay ships is fascinating to me because it hinges on the assumption, and thus the fundamental misunderstanding, that what happened to bt is somehow a mistake or a failure of execution and not exactly what the endpoint of their relationship has been all along. and the secondary assumption that buddie is at all equivalent
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accirax · 2 years ago
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what to do when you are but a simple antag man with two paths before you……..
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dammitperseus · 2 months ago
day 3 ?? 4 ?? of playing dawntrail i still don't hate wuk lamat
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darklight-owl · 3 months ago
Actually now that Beastars has a grip on my psyche again for the first time in like 3 years let me just say Riz deserved better let him out.
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bungouchronicles · 1 year ago
I want Fyodor to come back all beaten and broken and crazier than ever. Like he didn't have many normal person morals to begin with but I want him to throw all of that away for his cause. He's scarred and burned and has lost an arm, which he promptly switched for a metal one but he's alive. The decay of the angel doesn't exist anymore and neither do the rats in the house of dead. It's just Fyodor and Nikolai now and they're both equally insane.
I want Fyodor to be driven by hate and vengefulness. I want him to stop at nothing to see Dazai dead. I want him to be wrapped in bandages from the crash and I want Dazai to realise just how much he looks like his own past self. Fyodor is the worst version of what Dazai could've been, now more than ever.
Fyodor wants to compare his return to the resurrection of Jesus Christ but the truth is that he's nothing like him, fuelled by hate rather than love for the people. He is everything he never wanted to be but that thought doesn't even cross his mind.
He will cleanse the world of sin at all cost, starting with those who made him this way.
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james-stark-the-writer · 12 days ago
just finished Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and it is a game written by cowards for cowards.
the final twist genuinely ruins the game. it's so stupid as a narrative decision. i hate it so much. it almost makes me understand what the people yelling about The Last Jedi being too subservient to its themes were yelling about (OBVIOUSLY not the ones that were being bigoted and loud and wrong about it, but just the ones who had actual issues with its narrative directions/execution). genuinely, the twist takes what could have been an extremely solid 8.5, maybe a 9/10 game down to a 4/10 game with nothing of interest to say deluding itself into thinking it's saying anything of worth by thoughtlessly repeating patterns as if that's supposed to generate meaning without any real effort of actually committing to that meaning, or seeing the world as anything beyond its basic binary worldview of Good and Bad.
putting that twist in fundamentally cuts the legs out from any actual, interesting and substantive critique it could have leveled at the legal system and our feelings about people on trial and their perceived guilt or innocence, and it just ends up reinforcing it as a power of good that Will Ultimately Prevail In The Search For Truth, as if that is even remotely a thing any legal system is concerned with, especially the one in the game that mostly just stumbles into The Right Choices because it's a game controlled by the player. it's frankly ideologically incoherent to the point of saying nothing because its critique is unfocused and toothless. best it can muster is "maybe some people are corrupt and lying, but if You take Advantage of The System, you can beat them" as if malicious compliance is supposed to change the system. fuck off.
ran out of tags but. i'm serious about this lol, i really hate it as a narrative and ideological choice. the game threatens to say something bold and interesting and then just pulls the rug out from underneath you. it sucks. it's very much like 12 Angry Men in that way, i think, except at least that movie Knows what it's saying and that its basic premise is its ideological downfall, this just doesn't really feel like it says anything much interesting or coherent, ultimately, because the criticism either drowns in the length and comedic nature of it, or just ultimately isn't focused and pointed and nuanced enough to actually say something meaningful. like ik someone's gonna do a "kid's game" thing but hello, kid's shit has always been nuanced and just bc it's "for kids" doesn't mean it has to abide by some binary ass morality that flattens all its interesting critique, especially when you're constantly led, structurally, to the more interesting and nuanced narrative choice only to have a twist completely ruin it and making it all feel like a waste of your time. plenty of things are nuanced and interesting and "for kids" without deflating their themes and messages by writing a stupid twist that undercuts the interesting parts of its arguments.
#james talks#people will probably be mad about this one but i'm Wright about it. Phoenix Wright.#sorry. had to be done. making up for the lack of pun names and jokes in the last case.#anyway i'm so serious when i say it's a cowardly narrative direction that just completely undercuts the whole fucking point—#it was trying to make about the ways the legal systems of Japan are set up to encourage only closing cases by any means necessary#like it just literally doesn't make even half the point bc guess what? Ema just isn't actually responsible.#so you don't have to have any remotely complicated feelings about the justice system. it WILL get the perpetrators at the end.#Edgeworth? didn't do it. Ema? didn't do it. you don't ever have to have complicated feelings about working with people.#sorry i just REALLY fucking hate this choice so immensely i am more filled with rage the more i think about it#apparently this is a actual tag so.#Ace Attorney critical#resisting tagging this with the main game tag bc i don't wanna hear spoilers for the other games.#or hear annoying fans bitching about my correct take in my asks.#in case it wasn't obvious i am serious about the take but i am also still processing.#probably have slightly more nuanced thoughts when i've heard more opinions from other people and seen their takes.#i already know someone's gonna make some bullshit argument about believing in the good in people and how that makes sense but.#getting a charge of guilty literally is a failstate in this. your client and associates can never Actually Be Guilty of anything—#besides some light corruption. the twist about Lana not being a murderer is fine. it works bc it's clever.#but Ema not being a murderer is shit bc it completely ruins the promise the whole thing sets up. like sure Lana still goes to prison at—#the end but we can't dwell on that at all or feel anything but happy bc it's the last note of the game. so they have to make Ema not guilty#did it ever cross their minds they could've bonded again in prison?#like if you're sending Lana to prison anyway. just send Ema in with her. she can still be guilty of the thing and you can actually make—#more interesting critique of the system as abusing people who have no other choice instead of them—#Being Wronged Through No Fault Of Their Own as if they're innocent little toddlers with no control of anything. like with Edgeworth that—#narrative choice was more acceptable bc he was like 9 years old. Ema was 14. what the fuck are we talking about.#i'm not saying being 14 means she should hang or whatever like she was still a teen but they could've written her to be guilty—#but not A Murderer in a million different ways and they chose the most annoying and cowardly path bc—#it promises to be interesting and nuanced and then just completely flips you off right at the finish line—#as if your interest in its commentary and what it Wants To Say was too much investment as if they didn't spend 80% of the game doing that#by making you commit crimes to save people (Phoenix admits lawyers aren't supposed to investigate so 90% of the evidence is illegal)
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crystaleevee4 · 6 months ago
wip :) very very rough draft for now but i'm workin' on... a thing
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(no this is not ao3. this is google docs with the ao3 font)
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twilights-stuff · 1 year ago
Adding on to this post and on my Celestial au in general, since it might take a while to finish the character refs I've made of both Stan and Ford in this au, I've decided to show y'all some of the early sketches and doodles I made for this au as I have mentioned I've been working on this for quite some time. I can't wait to introduce this au properly. In summary, this is an au where Stan is a sun god by the name of Phoebus and Ford is a moon god by the name of Mene. (Alt text can explain on some drawings that need further context)
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The last two were snippets of what I am working on recently but it was nice to see how far I've gone in terms of their designs and their stories. I really do hope to keep adding more to this au and build up to the lore I have created around it.
On the meantime, I suppose I should introduce a little synopsis of its story here because why not?
Au plot summary:
"After being sent to Gravity Falls to live with their great uncle Stanley Pines for the summer along with his twin sister Mabel, Dipper expects another boring three months to unfold in the seemingly normal, yet unusual Oregon town. But things took a turn as he finds himself in an underground, ancient cavern that might have been used for worship to an unknown god with an eeriely familiar face. When he takes the mysterious book kept within the cave, his eyes is laid bare to witness an eons long conflict between beings far greater than himself and a prophecy that might just lead to the end of the world he loves. Side by side with his sister and his new found friends, facing foes and meeting allies both mortal and divine, he slowly uncovers a truth in regards to the man who has been housing them the whole summer and the secrets he has kept so close to his chest. Will Dipper be able to unveil what is hidden from the eyes of men or will the truth should perhaps remain untold from the world before fate and destiny comes for him and his family?"
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jazbell · 2 months ago
hm well i didnt really like sonic 3. but feminism did win in the end so.
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